A Woman Abroad
A Woman Abroad
October 2012
To travel is to learn to travel better. I’ve had quite a bit of experience on long sojourns to unbelievable places. I’ve made many a mistake especially with what the heck to pack.
A Woman Abroad
May 2012
I read somewhere that adversity introduces a man to himself. So true. I’m steadying myself on what’s left of a decrepit battlement on a wall that can apparently be seen from space.
A Woman Abroad
April 2012
I'm standing in front of a structure I can almost feel. Have you ever looked on in awe at the magnificence of something? Not a cursory Griswald Grand Canyon glance;
A Woman Abroad
March 2012
Food preferences are for the haves, not the have nots. My travels have led me to many realizations about myself: where I come from, the places I’ve traveled, and the world around me.
A Woman Abroad
February 2012
I promised a Jamaican toe-curler (sounds like a drink!). There’s a bit more pressure when promises are made, especially when discussing curling ones toes.
A Woman Abroad
January 2012
It’s a brand-spankin’ new year. Sure the Mayans said this year was the last one, but I’m a glass-half-full type. I’m taking it as an opportunity to party like it’s 1999… again.