Comedian Butch Escobar
@ The Pioneer Underground
May 5, 2012

Published in the June 2012 RTT

Butch Escobar  

Butch Escobar looks like the strong man from the circus that just got released from Chino Prison, only without the leopard print onesy. Yeah, a little scary but man is he funny.Really funny and just plain fun no matter what kind of comedy you like, unless of course you don’t really like comedy. You know who you are out there! Right out of the gate he starts in with a range of topics from fisting nuns (this was the R-rated show) to Reno being the scary uncle you shouldn’t be left alone in the room with that also fucks fat chicks. He made fun of the fact that Reno has bike racks at casinos for people to ride up to gamble, “You can’t afford a car but you can lose your ass gambling.” Even beloved children’s cartoons are not left unscathed. Dora the Explorer was accused of making our children stupider, “Where’s the castle I’ve been searching all over Mexico for? You’re standing in front of it you stupid bitch!” Escobar also took jabs at Sesame Street referring to them as, “A bunch of puppets living in the ghetto, learning the ABC’s, with an overzealous yellow bird getting followed around by a furry brown elephant doped out of his gourd getting yelled at by a homeless dude in a garbage can!” It was pure comedy gold. How many comics out there can deliver this shit and make it hilarious? He even took a stab at us ladies for not having a birthday week, but a birthday month--which is true. Escobar’s comedy really sets the bar on how all comics should be: real, funny and above all talented. No hack or crap. The next time he comes you better get your asses out to see him. I have a feeling once he gets famous he will turn into an asshole.

Find Butch Escobar on Facebook at, or follow him on Twitter at

5 out of 5 Pez

Jenny PezDeSpencer is a senior contributing writer for Reno Tahoe Tonight. Catch her column next month in our digital edition.
